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buy canada goose jacket cheap Every ISIL rapist, g propagandist and collaborator must be brought to justice, then. Further, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau government must table a plan, within 45 days, immediately bring to justice anyone who has fought as an (ISIL) terrorist or participated in any terrorist activity, including those who are in Canada or have Canadian citizenship. is due in no small part to the efforts of Stewart Bell, late of the National Post and now with Global News, that the House is even pondering the question of Canada seriousness in dealing with Canadians who have absconded to Iraq and Syria to join Abu Bakr al Baghdadi Islamic state bedlamers and marauders. buy canada goose jacket cheap
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canada goose coats The Conservatives also say the federal government might consider measures such as those proposed by Ontario Premier Doug Ford to make it more difficult for returned fighters to exploit generous social programs in the course of their motion itself doesn go into any of that, but there is cause to wonder whether the canada goose Liberals, whose MPs all voted in favour, are serious. The vote tally was 280 1, the Greens Elizabeth May being the sole dissenter. May told me she voted because of its first clause, committing the government to from repeating the past mistakes of paying terrorists with taxpayers dollars or trying to reintegrate returning terrorists back into Canadian society. isn uk canada goose a matter of objecting to the bit dismissing reintegration efforts, but the first bit, about terrorists with taxpayers dollars, May said. It is obviously a reference to the case of Omar Khadr, of the al Qaida Khadrs, who was detained as a teen in Guantanamo Bay and last year won a $10.5 million settlement arising from Canadian officials involvement in the denial of his rights to due process. Nobody believes the Liberals have suddenly decided the Khadr payout was a mistake. So we shouldn believe the Liberals intend to take any of the motion seriously, May argues. canada goose coats
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canada goose store This week motion in the House of Commons cuts to the quick of all that. None of these excuses are available. If Canada cannot bring its own g to justice, we can never expect that any other country war criminals will ever be made accountable for their atrocities, either. Nadia Murad is quite correct. should all be put on trial before the entire world, like the Nazi leaders after World War II, and not given the chance to hide canada goose store.